Signup/Activation Issues |
Rest assured we will get your Gold/Platinum/Diamond signup issue resolved as quick as possible. We value your support and want to make sure you are happy. Check out each of the quick tips below and you might be able to resolve your issue immediately. If your answer isn't there help is a quick step away at the bottom. Have you signed up as a general member first? In order to become a Gold, Platinum, or Diamond member you first have to sign up as a general member. If you have not done so you will need to do this. To sign up as a general member simply start out at https://www.casesladder.com and choose "NEW PLAYER SIGNUP". You will then be asked to select the game you are interested in competing in. After this you will need to select if you are joining single or team competition as well as which gaming service you are using to play your game on-line. Some games can be played on multiple gaming services, choose the one you play on. After this you will be brought to the main page of the league you are competing on. From here choose the "FREE SIGNUP". This will guide you through the rest of the signup process. Once you are signed up as a general member you can then join the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership program.I can't tell if I'm a Gold, Platinum, or Diamond member. The easiest way to tell if your Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership is activated is to look up your name on the Ladder. There should be a little "G", "P", or "Diamond symbol" next to your name. If you dont know how to do this start at https://www.casesladder.com and choose the "PLAYER SEARCH" link. Or if you are at the main Ladder page for the league you have joined you can use the "FIND PLAYER" link. If you see the "G", "P", or "Diamond symbol", your Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership is active and you dont need to do anything else.How do I access my Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership features? Many of the features will be automatically activated for you. To access the information other people will see when they click on your "G", "P", or "Diamond symbol" you need to use the "USER EDITORS" found in the left hand navigation frame on the main league page. To access the user editor you need to get to the main page of the league you have the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership on. To do this start at https://www.casesladder.com and choose "View the Leagues". Follow the links until you get to the main League page. Then choose the "USER EDITORS" beneath the "ACCOUNT" heading.I want to purchase a membership for a friend but the name on the credit card is different from their ladder name. This shouldn't be a problem. When it asks for the credit card information fill in the information for the person that owns the credit card. When you reach the end of the membership signup it will ask for the Ladder Name and the Ladder you wish to join. Now put in the Ladder name of the person you wish to apply the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond membership to.Does Gold membership apply for every ladder I am on? No. Currently, Gold membership is priced on a per ladder basis. Thus, if you are on multiple ladders and wish to have the Gold membership on all of them you would need to purchase separate Gold memberships for each one. If you are on several ladders you may want to look into our Platinum program which covers up to five accounts, or our Diamond program which covers up to ten accounts.I'm getting an "invalid pin" number when I try to activate the membership. This sometimes happens when there is a problem with the pin codes supplied to us by IBill (the credit card transaction company we use). We apologize for this and can easily activate the membership for you on our end. Just fill out the form below and you'll have your membership in no time.Still having trouble? Get your help here.